Author Archive

Al Ameen Welcomes its First 2011 Foal!

Saturday, March 5th, 2011

Early Wednesday March 2nd, our stunning chestnut mare Lily of Paradise gave birth to a handsome chestnut colt.  Sired by V A Regal of Ansata Arabian Stud and Highview Egyptian Stud who is the last most spectacular son of Imperial Imdal, our new young man has a stunning pedigree featuring two powerful grand sire lines of Imperial Imdal and Thee Desperado.  Not to be outdone, his female lines are just as spectacular featuring  Lily Langtry dam of BJ Thee Arabella, Supreme Egyptian Event Champion mare, and Taja Moniet the stunning liver chestnut mare out of AK Alzahra Moniet.  A true royal pedigree, we are very excited about his birth.

Al Ameen Represents Arabians at the SC Horsemen Council’s Expo

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

On Saturday, February 5th, Al Ameen Arabians participated in the South Carolina Horsemen Council’s Expo representing the Arabian breed during their Parade of Breeds presentation.  Despite the cold, rainy weather, we had a lot of fun meeting people and introducing them to our wonderful horses.  Cherrish MCA and Sasha went along with us and did a great job showing everyone just what Arabians are all about.  We set up a booth, gave out brochures, pamphlets, and flyers about our breed and we also raffled off The Black Stallion Breyer horseand book set.

Special thanks to the Arabian Horse Association, The Pyramid Society, The Western Carolina Arabian Horse Club, and to Sue Ward and Rick Harvey of Blue Sky Arabians for their support in making our booth attractive and informative to all who came by for a visit.  We love spreading the word about our amazing breed and enjoyed participating in this event.